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This is the verbatim text of the qwindowsystem_qws.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech.
/**************************************************************************** ** $Id$ ** ** Definition of Qt/FB central server classes ** ** Created : 991025 ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition ** licenses for Qt/Embedded may use this file in accordance with the ** Qt Embedded Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef QTFB_H #define QTFB_H #ifndef QT_H #include <qwssocket_qws.h> #include <qmap.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qptrlist.h> #include <qimage.h> #include "qwsproperty_qws.h" #include "qwscommand_qws.h" #include "qwsevent_qws.h" #include "qkeyboard_qws.h" #endif // QT_H struct SWCursorData; class QWSCursor; class QWSClient; class QWSRegionManager; class QGfx; class QWSServerData; class QWSInternalWindowInfo { public: int winid; unsigned int clientid; QString name; // Corresponds to QObject name of top-level widget }; struct QWSWindowData; class QWSScreenSaver { public: virtual ~QWSScreenSaver(); virtual void restore()=0; virtual bool save(int level)=0; }; class QWSWindow { friend class QWSServer; public: QWSWindow(int i, QWSClient* client); ~QWSWindow(); int winId() const { return id; } const QString &name() const { return rgnName; } const QString &caption() const { return rgnCaption; } QWSClient* client() const { return c; } QRegion requested() const { return requested_region; } QRegion allocation() const { return allocated_region; } bool isVisible() const { return !requested_region.isEmpty(); } bool isPartiallyObscured() const { return requested_region!=allocated_region; } bool isFullyObscured() const { return allocated_region.isEmpty(); } void raise(); void lower(); void show(); void hide(); void setActiveWindow(); private: bool hidden() const { return requested_region.isEmpty(); } bool forClient(const QWSClient* cl) const { return cl==c; } void setName( const QString &n ); void setCaption( const QString &c ); void addAllocation( QWSRegionManager *, QRegion ); void removeAllocation( QWSRegionManager *, QRegion ); int allocationIndex() const { return alloc_region_idx; } void setAllocationIndex( int i ) { alloc_region_idx = i; modified = TRUE; } void updateAllocation(); void setNeedAck( bool n ) { needAck = n; } void focus(bool get); int focusPriority() const { return last_focus_time; } void operation( QWSWindowOperationEvent::Operation o ); void shuttingDown() { last_focus_time=0; } private: int id; QString rgnName; QString rgnCaption; int alloc_region_idx; bool modified; bool needAck; bool onTop; QWSClient* c; QRegion requested_region; QRegion allocated_region; QRegion exposed; int last_focus_time; QWSWindowData *d; }; #ifndef QT_NO_SOUND class QWSSoundServer; #ifdef QT_USE_OLD_QWS_SOUND class QWSSoundServerData; class QWSSoundServer : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: QWSSoundServer(QObject* parent); ~QWSSoundServer(); void playFile(const QString& filename); private slots: void feedDevice(int fd); private: QWSSoundServerData* d; }; #endif #endif /********************************************************************* * * Class: QWSServer * *********************************************************************/ class QWSMouseHandler; struct QWSCommandStruct; #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_MULTIPROCESS class QWSServer : public QWSServerSocket #else class QWSServer : public QObject #endif { friend class QCopChannel; friend class QWSMouseHandler; friend class QWSWindow; friend class QWSDisplay; Q_OBJECT public: QWSServer( int flags = 0, QObject *parent=0, const char *name=0 ); ~QWSServer(); enum ServerFlags { DisableKeyboard = 0x01, DisableMouse = 0x02 }; enum GUIMode { NoGui = FALSE, NormalGUI = TRUE, Server }; static void sendKeyEvent(int unicode, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat); static void processKeyEvent(int unicode, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat); #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_KEYBOARD typedef struct KeyMap { ushort key_code; ushort unicode; ushort shift_unicode; ushort ctrl_unicode; }; static const KeyMap *keyMap(); class KeyboardFilter { public: virtual bool filter(int unicode, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat)=0; }; static void setKeyboardFilter( KeyboardFilter *f ); #endif static void setDefaultMouse( const char * ); static void setDefaultKeyboard( const char * ); static void setMaxWindowRect(const QRect&); static void sendMouseEvent(const QPoint& pos, int state); static void setDesktopBackground( const QImage &img ); static void setDesktopBackground( const QColor & ); static QWSMouseHandler *mouseHandler(); static void setMouseHandler(QWSMouseHandler*); #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_KEYBOARD static QWSKeyboardHandler* keyboardHandler(); static void setKeyboardHandler(QWSKeyboardHandler* kh); #endif QWSWindow *windowAt( const QPoint& pos ); // For debugging only at this time const QPtrList<QWSWindow> &clientWindows() { return windows; } void openMouse(); void closeMouse(); #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_KEYBOARD void openKeyboard(); void closeKeyboard(); #endif static void setScreenSaver(QWSScreenSaver*); static void setScreenSaverIntervals(int* ms); static void setScreenSaverInterval(int); static bool screenSaverActive(); static void screenSaverActivate(bool); // the following are internal. void refresh(); #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_REPEATER void refresh(QRegion &); #endif void enablePainting(bool); static void processEventQueue(); static QPtrList<QWSInternalWindowInfo> * windowList(); void sendPropertyNotifyEvent( int property, int state ); #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_PROPERTIES QWSPropertyManager *manager() { return &propertyManager; } #endif static QPoint mousePosition; static void startup( int flags ); static void closedown(); enum WindowEvent { Create=0x01, Destroy=0x02, Hide=0x04, Show=0x08, Raise=0x10, Lower=0x20, Geometry=0x40 }; signals: void windowEvent( QWSWindow *w, QWSServer::WindowEvent e ); #ifndef QT_NO_COP void newChannel( const QString& ); #endif private: #ifndef QT_NO_COP static void sendQCopEvent( QWSClient *c, const QCString &ch, const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data, bool response = FALSE ); #endif void move_region( const QWSRegionMoveCommand * ); void set_altitude( const QWSChangeAltitudeCommand * ); void request_focus( const QWSRequestFocusCommand * ); void request_region( int, QRegion ); void destroy_region( const QWSRegionDestroyCommand * ); void name_region( const QWSRegionNameCommand * ); static void emergency_cleanup(); static QColor *bgColor; static QImage *bgImage; void sendMaxWindowRectEvents(); #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_MULTIPROCESS void newConnection( int socket ); #endif void invokeIdentify( QWSIdentifyCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); void invokeCreate( QWSCreateCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); void invokeRegionName( const QWSRegionNameCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); void invokeRegion( QWSRegionCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); void invokeRegionMove( const QWSRegionMoveCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); void invokeRegionDestroy( const QWSRegionDestroyCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); void invokeSetAltitude( const QWSChangeAltitudeCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_PROPERTIES void invokeAddProperty( QWSAddPropertyCommand *cmd ); void invokeSetProperty( QWSSetPropertyCommand *cmd ); void invokeRemoveProperty( QWSRemovePropertyCommand *cmd ); void invokeGetProperty( QWSGetPropertyCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); #endif //QT_NO_QWS_PROPERTIES void invokeSetSelectionOwner( QWSSetSelectionOwnerCommand *cmd ); void invokeConvertSelection( QWSConvertSelectionCommand *cmd ); void invokeSetFocus( const QWSRequestFocusCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); void initIO(); void setFocus( QWSWindow*, bool gain ); #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_CURSOR void invokeDefineCursor( QWSDefineCursorCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); void invokeSelectCursor( QWSSelectCursorCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); #endif void invokeGrabMouse( QWSGrabMouseCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); void invokeGrabKeyboard( QWSGrabKeyboardCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); #ifndef QT_NO_SOUND void invokePlaySound( QWSPlaySoundCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); #endif #ifndef QT_NO_COP void invokeRegisterChannel( QWSQCopRegisterChannelCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); void invokeQCopSend( QWSQCopSendCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); #endif #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_REPEATER void invokeRepaintRegion( QWSRepaintRegionCommand *cmd, QWSClient *client ); #endif QWSMouseHandler* newMouseHandler(const QString& spec); #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_KEYBOARD QWSKeyboardHandler* newKeyboardHandler(const QString& spec); #endif void openDisplay(); void closeDisplay(); void showCursor(); void hideCursor(); void initializeCursor(); void paintServerRegion(); void paintBackground( QRegion ); void clearRegion( const QRegion &r, const QColor &c ); void refreshBackground(); private slots: #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_MULTIPROCESS void clientClosed(); void doClient(); #endif void screenSaverWake(); void screenSaverSleep(); void screenSaverTimeout(); private: void screenSave(int level); void doClient( QWSClient * ); typedef QMapIterator<int,QWSClient*> ClientIterator; typedef QMap<int,QWSClient*> ClientMap; void releaseMouse(QWSWindow* w); void releaseKeyboard(QWSWindow* w); uchar* sharedram; int ramlen; QGfx *gfx; ClientMap client; #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_PROPERTIES QWSPropertyManager propertyManager; #endif struct SelectionOwner { int windowid; struct Time { void set( int h, int m, int s, int s2 ) { hour = h; minute = m; sec = s; ms = s2; } int hour, minute, sec, ms; } time; } selectionOwner; QTime timer; QWSServerData* d; int* screensaverinterval; QWSWindow *focusw; QWSWindow *mouseGrabber; bool mouseGrabbing; int swidth, sheight, sdepth; #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_CURSOR bool cursorNeedsUpdate; QWSCursor *cursor; // cursor currently shown QWSCursor *nextCursor; // cursor to show once grabbing is off #endif QRegion screenRegion; // the entire display region QRegion serverRegion; QRegion dirtyBackground; bool disablePainting; QPtrList<QWSMouseHandler> mousehandlers; #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_KEYBOARD QPtrList<QWSKeyboardHandler> keyboardhandlers; #endif QPtrList<QWSCommandStruct> commandQueue; QWSRegionManager *rgnMan; // Window management QPtrList<QWSWindow> windows; // first=topmost QWSWindow* newWindow(int id, QWSClient* client); QWSWindow* findWindow(int windowid, QWSClient* client); void moveWindowRegion(QWSWindow*, int dx, int dy ); QRegion setWindowRegion(QWSWindow*, QRegion r ); void raiseWindow( QWSWindow *, int = 0); void lowerWindow( QWSWindow *, int = -1); void exposeRegion( QRegion , int index = 0 ); void notifyModified( QWSWindow *active = 0 ); void syncRegions( QWSWindow *active = 0 ); void setCursor(QWSCursor *curs); // multimedia #ifndef QT_NO_SOUND QWSSoundServer *soundserver; #endif #ifndef QT_NO_COP QMap<QString, QPtrList<QWSClient> > channels; #endif }; extern QWSServer *qwsServer; //there can be only one /********************************************************************* * * Class: QWSClient * *********************************************************************/ struct QWSMouseEvent; typedef QMap<int, QWSCursor*> QWSCursorMap; class QWSClient : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: QWSClient( QObject* parent, int socket ); ~QWSClient(); int socket() const; void setIdentity(const QString&); QString identity() const { return id; } void sendEvent( QWSEvent* event ); void sendConnectedEvent( const char *display_spec ); void sendMaxWindowRectEvent(); void sendRegionModifyEvent( int winid, QRegion exposed, bool ack ); void sendFocusEvent( int winid, bool get ); void sendPropertyNotifyEvent( int property, int state ); void sendPropertyReplyEvent( int property, int len, char *data ); void sendSelectionClearEvent( int windowid ); void sendSelectionRequestEvent( QWSConvertSelectionCommand *cmd, int windowid ); QWSCommand* readMoreCommand(); QWSCursorMap cursors; // cursors defined by this client signals: void connectionClosed(); void readyRead(); private slots: void closeHandler(); void errorHandler( int ); private: int s; // XXX csocket->d->socket->socket() is this value #ifndef QT_NO_QWS_MULTIPROCESS QWSSocket *csocket; #endif QWSCommand* command; uint isClosed : 1; QString id; }; #endif
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