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Node.js v0.10.18 手册 & 文档


稳定度: 4 - 冻结
  • {Object}

  • {Object}

For printing to stdout and stderr. Similar to the console object functions provided by most web browsers, here the output is sent to stdout or stderr.

用于向 stdout 和 stderr 打印字符。类似于大部分 Web 浏览器提供的 console 对象函数,在这里则是输出到 stdout 或 stderr。

The console functions are synchronous when the destination is a terminal or a file (to avoid lost messages in case of premature exit) and asynchronous when it's a pipe (to avoid blocking for long periods of time).


That is, in the following example, stdout is non-blocking while stderr is blocking:

也就是说,在下面的例子中,stdout 是非阻塞的,而 stderr 则是阻塞的。

$ node script.js 2> error.log | tee info.log

In daily use, the blocking/non-blocking dichotomy is not something you should worry about unless you log huge amounts of data.


console.log([data], [...])#

Prints to stdout with newline. This function can take multiple arguments in a printf()-like way. Example:

向 stdout 打印并新起一行。这个函数可以像 printf() 那样接受多个参数,例如:

console.log('count: %d', count);

If formatting elements are not found in the first string then util.inspect is used on each argument. See util.format() for more information.

如果在第一个字符串中没有找到格式化元素,那么 util.inspect 将被应用到各个参数。详见 util.format()

console.info([data], [...])#

Same as console.log.


console.error([data], [...])#

Same as console.log but prints to stderr.

console.log,但输出到 stderr。

console.warn([data], [...])#

Same as console.error.



Uses util.inspect on obj and prints resulting string to stdout. This function bypasses any custom inspect() function on obj.

obj 使用 util.inspect 并将结果字符串输出到 stdout。这个函数会忽略 obj 上的任何自定义 inspect()


Mark a time.



Finish timer, record output. Example:


for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {


Print a stack trace to stderr of the current position.

打印当前位置的栈跟踪到 stderr。

console.assert(expression, [message])#

Same as assert.ok() where if the expression evaluates as false throw an AssertionError with message.

assert.ok() 相同,如果 expression 执行结果为 false 则抛出一个带上 message 的 AssertionError。