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Node.js v0.10.18 手册 & 文档


稳定度: 2 - 不稳定

The tty module houses the tty.ReadStream and tty.WriteStream classes. In most cases, you will not need to use this module directly.

tty 模块提供了 tty.ReadStreamtty.WriteStream 类。在大部分情况下,您都不会需要直接使用此模块。

When node detects that it is being run inside a TTY context, then process.stdin will be a tty.ReadStream instance and process.stdout will be a tty.WriteStream instance. The preferred way to check if node is being run in a TTY context is to check process.stdout.isTTY:

当 node 检测到它正运行于 TTY 上下文中时,process.stdin 将会是一个 tty.ReadStream 实例,且 process.stdout 也将会是一个 tty.WriteStream 实例。检查 node 是否运行于 TTY 上下文的首选方式是检查 process.stdout.isTTY

$ node -p -e "Boolean(process.stdout.isTTY)"
$ node -p -e "Boolean(process.stdout.isTTY)" | cat


Returns true or false depending on if the fd is associated with a terminal.

fd 关联于中端则返回 true,反之返回 false


Deprecated. Use tty.ReadStream#setRawMode() (i.e. process.stdin.setRawMode()) instead.

已废弃,请使用 tty.ReadStream#setRawMode()(如 process.stdin.setRawMode())。

类: ReadStream#

A net.Socket subclass that represents the readable portion of a tty. In normal circumstances, process.stdin will be the only tty.ReadStream instance in any node program (only when isatty(0) is true).

一个 net.Socket 子类,代表 TTY 的可读部分。通常情况下在所有 node 程序中 process.stdin 会是仅有的 tty.ReadStream 实例(进当 isatty(0) 为 true 时)。


A Boolean that is initialized to false. It represents the current "raw" state of the tty.ReadStream instance.

一个 Boolean,初始为 false,代表 tty.ReadStream 实例的当前 "raw" 状态。


mode should be true or false. This sets the properties of the tty.ReadStream to act either as a raw device or default. isRaw will be set to the resulting mode.

mode 可以是 truefalse。它设定 tty.ReadStream 的属性表现为原始设备或缺省。isRaw 会被设置为结果模式。

类: WriteStream#

A net.Socket subclass that represents the writable portion of a tty. In normal circumstances, process.stdout will be the only tty.WriteStream instance ever created (and only when isatty(1) is true).

一个 net.Socket 子类,代表 TTY 的可写部分。通常情况下 process.stdout 会是仅有的 tty.WriteStream 实例(进当 isatty(1) 为 true 时)。


A Number that gives the number of columns the TTY currently has. This property gets updated on "resize" events.

一个 `Number,表示 TTY 当前的列数。该属性会在 "resize" 事件中被更新。


A Number that gives the number of rows the TTY currently has. This property gets updated on "resize" events.

一个 `Number,表示 TTY 当前的行数。该属性会在 "resize" 事件中被更新。

事件: 'resize'#

function () {}

function () {}

Emitted by refreshSize() when either of the columns or rows properties has changed.

refreshSize()columnsrows 属性被改变时触发。

process.stdout.on('resize', function() {
  console.log('screen size has changed!');
  console.log(process.stdout.columns + 'x' + process.stdout.rows);

process.stdout.on('resize', function() {
  console.log(process.stdout.columns + 'x' + process.stdout.rows);